A transcript is provided for audio only content (such as a podcast)

Design Notes

Ensure audio-only content has a transcript

Audio-only content that has no video and communicates information (for example a podcast) should have a text transcript.

Developer Notes

Ensure text transcripts are available (for example by link) and located near the audio content.

Testing Notes

A transcript is provided for audio only content

An alternative for time-based media [transcript] is provided that presents equivalent information for prerecorded audio-only content.

Steps to check — Transcript

  • Identify audio only content (e.g. podcast)
  • Check if a transcript has been provided
  • If so, does transcript include: sound effects, music and other significant background sound (e.g. laughter) and identify different speakers
  • Is transcript easily accessible from the same content block as the audio content
  • Is the transcript itself in an accessible format — such as well formatted HTML

Impact range: Medium - High

Test type: Manual

WCAG Reference: Understanding Success Criterion 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)