Essential content that is communicated visually in videos is also available as audio or text
Design Notes
Ensure all essential content that is communicated visually in videos is also available as audio or text
If you are using a video on its own (in other words, if you do not repeat the content elsewhere on the page), you should also provide a transcript. The transcript should include all the dialogue, relevant sound effects, and visual content.
If the video relies on visual content to convey information (for example, diagrams without a verbal description), it's best to include an audio description. This isn't essential but you should provide have a transcript.
Developer Notes
Ensure that the video player or page has a link (or similar) where users can access a transcript or audio description. This should be near the video content and accurately described.
Testing Notes
Text transcripts or audio descriptions are provided to accompany and therefore explain video content.
Steps to check — Transcript
- Identify video content
- Check if a transcript/audio description has been provided
- If so, does transcript include: sound effects, music and other significant background sound (e.g. laughter) and identify different speakers
- Is transcript easily accessible from the same content block as the video content
- Is the transcript itself in an accessible format — such as well formatted HTML
Impact range: Medium - High
Test type: Manual
WCAG Reference: Understanding Success Criterion 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)