Captions are provided for video with audio

Design Notes

Ensure videos with audio have accurate captions

Pre-recorded video content must have captions that are synchronised with the audio content of the video. These captions also need to be accurate so auto-generated captions, such as those provided by YouTube need to be checked and edited for accuracy.

Developer Notes

Ensure there is a button which enables captions on the video player.

Testing Notes

Captions are provided for video with audio

Captions are provided for all prerecorded audio content in synchronized media, except when the media is a media alternative for text and is clearly labeled as such.

Steps to check — Captions

  • Identify video content
  • If video content has audio, confirm captions have been provided
  • Confirm if captions accurately convey audio information — including: sound effects, music and other significant background sound (e.g. laughter)
  • For closed captions, confirm the control to turn on /off is also accessible e.g. keyboard operable

Impact range: Medium - High

Test type: Manual

WCAG Reference: Understanding Success Criterion 1.2.2 Captions (prerecorded)