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To use the az-backup terraform module, create a terraform module in your own code and set the source as the az-backup repository.

See the following link for more information about using github as the source of a terraform module.

The az-backup module resides in the ./infrastructure sub directory of the repository, so you need to specify that in the module source by using the double-slash syntax as explained in this guide.

In future we will use release tags to ensure consumers can depend on a specific release of the module, however this has not currently been implemented.

The module will create a dedicated resource group to contain the backup vault, therefore the resource group name provided to the module must be unique within the scope of the subscription.


The following is an example of how the module should be used - update the ref with the release version that you want to use:

module "my_backup" {
  source                     = "<version-number>"
  resource_group_name        = "rg-mybackup"
  resource_group_location    = "uksouth"
  backup_vault_name          = "bvault-mybackup"
  backup_vault_redundancy    = "LocallyRedundant"
  backup_vault_immutability  = "Unlocked"
  log_analytics_workspace_id =
  tags = {
    tagOne   = "tagOneValue"
    tagTwo   = "tagTwoValue"
    tagThree = "tagThreeValue"
  use_extended_retention = true
  blob_storage_backups = {
    backup1 = {
      backup_name                = "storage1"
      retention_period           = "P7D"
      backup_intervals           = ["R/2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00/P1D"]
      storage_account_id         =
      storage_account_containers = ["container1", "container2"]
    backup2 = {
      backup_name                = "storage2"
      retention_period           = "P30D"
      backup_intervals           = ["R/2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00/P2D"]
      storage_account_id         =
      storage_account_containers = ["container1", "container2"]
  managed_disk_backups = {
    backup1 = {
      backup_name      = "disk1"
      retention_period = "P7D"
      backup_intervals = ["R/2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00/P1D"]
      managed_disk_id  =
      managed_disk_resource_group = {
        id   =
        name =
    backup2 = {
      backup_name      = "disk2"
      retention_period = "P30D"
      backup_intervals = ["R/2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00/P2D"]
      managed_disk_id  =
      managed_disk_resource_group = {
        id   =
        name =
  postgresql_flexible_server_backups = {
    backup1 = {
      backup_name      = "server1"
      retention_period = "P7D"
      backup_intervals = ["R/2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00/P1D"]
      server_id  =
      server_resource_group_id =
    backup2 = {
      backup_name      = "server2"
      retention_period = "P30D"
      backup_intervals = ["R/2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00/P2D"]
      server_id  =
      server_resource_group_id =

Deployment Identity

To deploy the module an Azure identity (typically an app registration with client secret) is required which has been assigned the following roles at the subscription level:

  • Contributor (required to create resources)
  • Role Based Access Control Administrator (to assign roles to the backup vault managed identity) with a condition that limits the roles which can be assigned to:
    • Disk Backup Reader
    • Disk Snapshot Contributor
    • PostgreSQL Flexible Server Long Term Retention Backup Role
    • Storage Account Backup Contributor
    • Reader

Module Variables

Name Description Mandatory Default
resource_group_name The name of the resource group that is created to contain the vault - this cannot be an existing resource group. Yes n/a
resource_group_location The location of the resource group that is created to contain the vault. No uksouth
backup_vault_name The name of the backup vault. The value supplied will be automatically prefixed with rg-nhsbackup-. If more than one az-backup module is created, this value must be unique across them. Yes n/a
backup_vault_redundancy The redundancy of the vault, e.g. GeoRedundant. See the following link for the possible values. No LocallyRedundant
backup_vault_immutability The immutability of the vault, e.g. Locked. See the following link for the possible values. No Disabled
log_analytics_workspace_id The id of the log analytics workspace that backup telemetry and diagnostics should be sent to. When no value is provided then diagnostics will not be sent anywhere. No n/a
tags A map of tags which will be applied to the resource group and backup vault. When no tags are specified then no tags are added. No n/a
use_extended_retention If set to true, then the backup retention periods can be set to anything, otherwise they are limited to 7 days. No false
blob_storage_backups A map of blob storage backups that should be created. For each backup the following values should be provided: storage_account_id, backup_name and retention_period. When no value is provided then no backups are created. No n/a
blob_storage_backups.storage_account_id The id of the storage account that should be backed up. Yes n/a
blob_storage_backups.storage_account_containers A list of containers in the storage account that should be backed up. Yes n/a
blob_storage_backups.backup_name The name of the backup, which must be unique across blob storage backups. Yes n/a
blob_storage_backups.retention_period How long the backed up data will be retained for, which should be in ISO 8601 duration format. This must be specified in days, and can be up to 7 days unless use_extended_retention is on. See the following link for more information about the format. Yes n/a
blob_storage_backups.backup_intervals A list of intervals at which backups should be taken, which should be in ISO 8601 duration format. See the following link for the possible values. Yes n/a
managed_disk_backups A map of managed disk backups that should be created. For each backup the following values should be provided: managed_disk_id, backup_name and retention_period. When no value is provided then no backups are created. No n/a
managed_disk_backups.managed_disk_id The id of the managed disk that should be backed up. Yes n/a
managed_disk_backups.backup_name The name of the backup, which must be unique across managed disk backups. Yes n/a
managed_disk_backups.retention_period How long the backed up data will be retained for, which should be in ISO 8601 duration format. This must be specified in days, and can be up to 7 days unless use_extended_retention is on. See the following link for more information about the format. Yes n/a
managed_disk_backups.backup_intervals A list of intervals at which backups should be taken, which should be in ISO 8601 duration format. See the following link for the possible values. Yes n/a
postgresql_flexible_server_backups A map of postgresql flexible server backups that should be created. For each backup the following values should be provided: backup_name, server_id, server_resource_group_id, retention_period and backup_intervals. When no value is provided then no backups are created. No n/a
postgresql_flexible_server_backups.backup_name The name of the backup, which must be unique across postgresql flexible server backups. Yes n/a
postgresql_flexible_server_backups.server_id The id of the postgresql flexible server that should be backed up. Yes n/a
postgresql_flexible_server_backups.server_resource_group_id The id of the resource group which the postgresql flexible server resides in. Yes n/a
postgresql_flexible_server_backups.retention_period How long the backed up data will be retained for, which should be in ISO 8601 duration format. This must be specified in days, and can be up to 7 days unless use_extended_retention is on. See the following link for more information about the format. Yes n/a
postgresql_flexible_server_backups.backup_intervals A list of intervals at which backups should be taken, which should be in ISO 8601 duration format. See the following link for the possible values. Yes n/a