Patient Flags - NHS England - Implementation Guide STU1
0.4.0 - ci-build

Patient Flags - NHS England - Implementation Guide STU1 - Local Development build (v0.4.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: RA Flag Code

Official URL: Version: 0.4.0
Draft as of 2024-02-14 Computable Name: ReasonableAdjustmentsFlagCode

Copyright/Legal: Copyright © 2024+ NHS England Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. HL7® FHIR® standard Copyright © 2011+ HL7 The HL7® FHIR® standard is used under the FHIR license. You may obtain a copy of the FHIR license at

A ValueSet containing flag codes for the Reasonable Adjustments NHS England Programme


This value set is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Logical Definition (CLD)

No formal definition provided for this ValueSet



Generated Narrative: ValueSet RA-FlagCode

This value set expansion contains 347 concepts.

  441092009 lip read
  719369003 use communication device
  285055002 use hearing aid
  520471000000105 method of communication: British Sign Language
  520491000000109 method of communication: written
  1082671000000100 aphasia-friendly communication
  1082691000000101 support for expressive communication needs
  1082681000000103 support for receptive communication needs
  225834007 a citizen advocate
  225833001 a legal advocate
  288595009 a non-speech system for communication
  761541000000100 alternative communication skill
  716524009 augmentative and alternative communication
  415803005 British sign language
  445129003 cued speech transliterator
  957031000000107 deafblind intervener
  981781000000107 Deafblind Manual Alphabet
  445121000 electronic note taker
  1077121000000101 functional communication skills
  1082531000000103 gestures for communication
  198061000000105 hearing loop
  719363002 high technology communication device
  445143008 lipspeaker
  719364008 low technology communication device
  415805003 Makaton sign language
  445076009 manual note taker
  719370002 non-powered communication device
  288583009 non-verbal communication
  1082541000000107 objects for communication
  720462004 personal audio recording device to record information
  837341000000108 Personal Communication Passport
  719393008 photographs for communication
  719373000 powered communication device
  404903008 sign language
  445123002 speech to text reporter
  719754002 symbols for communication
  445488003 telecommunications device for the deaf
  288601001 verbal communication
  716537007 voice amplifier to support communication
  762361000000101 voice output communication aid
  204331000000107 Sign Language interpreter needed
  945731000000104 signing interpreter needed
  204341000000103 Sign Language interpreter needed
  225835008 an advocate
  957071000000109 deafblind block alphabet interpreter
  796201000000109 deafblind communicator guide
  957111000000103 deafblind haptic communication interpreter
  957051000000100 deafblind manual alphabet interpreter
  945911000000109 lipspeaker
  945891000000106 manual note taker
  719563003 sighted guide
  1082661000000100 speech and language therapist support to communicate
  966401000000100 speech to text reporter
  936761000000104 Supported English interpreter needed
  945711000000107 frame sign language interpreter needed
  945931000000101 audible alert
  936741000000100 contact by email
  936721000000107 contact by letter
  936701000000103 contact by short message service text message
  795661000000104 contact by telephone
  796081000000106 contact by text relay
  719561001 contact via carer
  945971000000104 tactile alert
  945951000000108 visual alert
  719758004 healthcare information recording on personal audio recording device
  936581000000101 information by email
  1082551000000100 information in aphasia-accessible format
  936661000000109 information in contracted (Grade 2) Braille
  796161000000101 information in Easyread
  936601000000105 information in electronic audio format
  945751000000106 information in electronic downloadable format
  936641000000108 information in Makaton
  936621000000101 information in Moon alphabet
  936681000000100 information in uncontracted (Grade 1) Braille
  795801000000104 information on audio cassette tape
  795731000000104 information on compact disc
  795691000000105 information on digital versatile disc
  945691000000105 information on universal serial bus mass storage device
  367741000000102 information verbally
  985021000000106 third party to read out written information
  957331000000109 written information in at least 20 point sans serif font
  957351000000102 written information in at least 24 point sans serif font
  957371000000106 written information in at least 28 point sans serif font
  307089001 analysing information
  311540003 processing information accurately
  311543001 processing information at normal speed
  1325291000000103 contact details of specialist support team
  1108141000000108 pain atypically
  1108121000000101 My Healthcare Passport
  737350008 assistance with communication
  1108131000000104 appointment reminders
  1325421000000100 approach to care to be discussed with carer
  1108151000000106 carer to be present at encounters
  955771000000100 apps on mobile device to support communication
  954871000000106 switches for communication
  936561000000105 Tadoma method for communication
  362721000000106 language interpreter needed
  362691000000102 language interpreter needed
  362571000000102 language interpreter needed
  203281000000104 language interpreter needed
  203291000000102 language interpreter needed
  203301000000103 language interpreter needed
  203311000000101 language interpreter needed
  972511000000109 interpreter needed
  362261000000106 language interpreter needed
  362231000000101 language interpreter needed
  972521000000103 interpreter needed
  972531000000101 interpreter needed
  362541000000108 language interpreter needed
  362611000000106 language interpreter needed
  972541000000105 interpreter needed
  972551000000108 interpreter needed
  362641000000107 language interpreter needed
  362071000000107 language interpreter needed
  203321000000107 language interpreter needed
  362201000000107 language interpreter needed
  362171000000106 language interpreter needed
  972561000000106 interpreter needed
  359821000000104 language interpreter needed
  362141000000100 language interpreter needed
  353921000000107 language interpreter needed
  362371000000109 language interpreter needed
  203381000000108 language interpreter needed
  362041000000101 language interpreter needed
  362331000000107 Khmer language interpreter needed
  972571000000104 interpreter needed
  972581000000102 interpreter needed
  972591000000100 interpreter needed
  972601000000106 Slavic interpreter needed
  972611000000108 interpreter needed
  972621000000102 interpreter needed
  361941000000107 language interpreter needed
  972631000000100 interpreter needed
  203391000000105 language interpreter needed
  203401000000108 language interpreter needed
  361971000000101 language interpreter needed
  972641000000109 interpreter needed
  203411000000105 language interpreter needed
  362781000000107 language interpreter needed
  343671000000102 language interpreter needed
  361881000000106 language interpreter needed
  361911000000106 language interpreter needed
  359791000000109 language interpreter needed
  972651000000107 interpreter needed
  361791000000100 language interpreter needed
  203421000000104 language interpreter needed
  361821000000105 language interpreter needed
  343701000000103 language interpreter needed
  343711000000101 language interpreter needed
  203521000000103 Creole language interpreter needed
  203441000000106 language interpreter needed
  361501000000104 language interpreter needed
  972671000000103 interpreter needed
  343721000000107 language interpreter needed
  361851000000100 language interpreter needed
  203801000000105 language interpreter needed
  361471000000106 language interpreter needed
  203581000000102 language interpreter needed
  203591000000100 language interpreter needed
  361441000000100 language interpreter needed
  203601000000106 language interpreter needed
  972681000000101 interpreter needed
  203611000000108 language interpreter needed
  203631000000100 language interpreter needed
  203641000000109 language interpreter needed
  972691000000104 interpreter needed
  203651000000107 language interpreter needed
  972701000000104 Motu interpreter needed
  360431000000104 language interpreter needed
  359881000000103 language interpreter needed
  360401000000105 language interpreter needed
  972711000000102 interpreter needed
  203531000000101 language interpreter needed
  362111000000101 language interpreter needed
  972721000000108 interpreter needed
  360341000000102 language interpreter needed
  315594003 needed
  360311000000103 language interpreter needed
  360251000000107 language interpreter needed
  972731000000105 interpreter needed
  203371000000106 language interpreter needed
  203681000000101 language interpreter needed
  360281000000101 language interpreter needed
  362011000000102 language interpreter needed
  360101000000102 language interpreter needed
  972741000000101 interpreter needed
  360191000000109 language interpreter needed
  360221000000102 language interpreter needed
  972751000000103 interpreter needed
  360131000000108 language interpreter needed
  359851000000109 language interpreter needed
  972771000000107 interpreter needed
  972781000000109 interpreter needed
  203691000000104 language interpreter needed
  972791000000106 interpreter needed
  203701000000104 language interpreter needed
  343771000000106 language interpreter needed
  360371000000108 language interpreter needed
  360071000000106 language interpreter needed
  972811000000107 interpreter needed
  203711000000102 language interpreter needed
  203721000000108 language interpreter needed
  972821000000101 interpreter needed
  359761000000103 language interpreter needed
  972831000000104 interpreter needed
  359971000000108 language interpreter needed
  360011000000101 language interpreter needed
  360161000000103 language interpreter needed
  203811000000107 language interpreter needed
  359731000000108 language interpreter needed
  203821000000101 language interpreter needed
  972851000000106 interpreter needed
  359911000000103 language interpreter needed
  359701000000102 language interpreter needed
  972861000000109 interpreter needed
  359671000000101 language interpreter needed
  359641000000107 language interpreter needed
  364351000000107 language interpreter needed
  972881000000100 interpreter needed
  352931000000102 language interpreter needed
  972891000000103 interpreter needed
  364251000000104 language interpreter needed
  972911000000100 Ndebele interpreter needed
  972921000000106 Sami interpreter needed
  972931000000108 BokmÃ¥l interpreter needed
  203831000000104 language interpreter needed
  972941000000104 Nynorsk interpreter needed
  973071000000100 interpreter needed
  972951000000101 interpreter needed
  364311000000108 language interpreter needed
  972981000000107 interpreter needed
  364211000000103 language interpreter needed
  362991000000107 language interpreter needed
  973001000000108 interpreter needed
  973011000000105 interpreter needed
  203961000000103 language interpreter needed
  203841000000108 language interpreter needed
  203901000000102 language interpreter needed
  203911000000100 language interpreter needed
  364011000000105 language interpreter needed
  353881000000101 language interpreter needed
  364481000000106 language interpreter needed
  1047321000000104 language interpreter needed
  363061000000105 language interpreter needed
  203971000000105 language interpreter needed
  363841000000104 language interpreter needed
  364051000000109 language interpreter needed
  973031000000102 interpreter needed
  973041000000106 interpreter needed
  973051000000109 Gaelic interpreter needed
  203981000000107 language interpreter needed
  973061000000107 interpreter needed
  203991000000109 language interpreter needed
  363711000000105 language interpreter needed
  204011000000102 language interpreter needed
  352901000000108 language interpreter needed
  363591000000107 language interpreter needed
  204021000000108 language interpreter needed
  973081000000103 Ndebele interpreter needed
  363651000000100 Sotho language interpreter needed
  204031000000105 language interpreter needed
  363781000000103 language interpreter needed
  204041000000101 language interpreter needed
  363621000000105 language interpreter needed
  204051000000103 language interpreter needed
  204081000000109 language interpreter needed
  204111000000101 language interpreter needed
  973101000000109 interpreter needed
  363681000000106 language interpreter needed
  204131000000109 language interpreter needed
  363221000000107 language interpreter needed
  363341000000107 language interpreter needed
  204151000000102 language interpreter needed
  363141000000105 language interpreter needed
  204171000000106 language interpreter needed
  363461000000100 language interpreter needed
  363181000000102 language interpreter needed
  363941000000108 language interpreter needed
  204191000000105 language interpreter needed
  363551000000104 language interpreter needed
  363301000000109 language interpreter needed
  364141000000107 language interpreter needed
  204201000000107 language interpreter needed
  204211000000109 language interpreter needed
  362961000000101 language interpreter needed
  973121000000100 interpreter needed
  204221000000103 language interpreter needed
  973131000000103ük interpreter needed
  973141000000107 interpreter needed
  204231000000101 language interpreter needed
  973151000000105 Frisian interpreter needed
  973161000000108 interpreter needed
  364511000000100 language interpreter needed
  363021000000102 language interpreter needed
  204241000000105 language interpreter needed
  362911000000103 language interpreter needed
  362821000000104 language interpreter needed
  105506000 on seeing eye dog
  1325291000000103 contact details of specialist support team
  816361000000101 appointed person with personal welfare lasting power of attorney (Mental Capacity Act 2005)
  988851000000103 appointed relevant person's representative (Mental Capacity Act 2005)
  829101000000101 assistance with medication regimen adherence
  1325861000000105 additional healthcare personnel to be present at encounter
  1325421000000100 approach to care to be discussed with carer
  240451000000106 constant supervision
  1109351000000102 enhanced discharge planning
  225861007 to be left alone
  1325301000000104 emotional support animal
  862731000000105 guide dog for the blind
  1325321000000108 related to clinical environment
  105506000 on seeing eye dog
  792871000000101 anticipatory care plan
  231501003 phobia
  829101000000101 assistance with medication regimen adherence
  314434008 for female healthcare professional
  314435009 for male healthcare professional
  1325411000000106 distraction technique whilst undergoing care procedure
  1108171000000102 extended appointment
  1325341000000101 familiarisation with care environment
  1325331000000105 familiarisation with care procedure
  1325351000000103 first appointment in appointment schedule
  1325371000000107 home visit appointments
  1325361000000100 last appointment in appointment schedule
  1325841000000109 minimal waiting time between arrival and being seen in care environment
  1108161000000109 priority appointment
  1325401000000109 single room during inpatient care
  285035003 care deficit for medication management
  865301000000107 dispensed monitored dosage system
  1325321000000108 related to clinical environment
  246622003 sensitive to light
  247994001 intolerance
  1325341000000101 familiarisation with care environment
  1325381000000109 low light environment
  1325391000000106 low noise environment
  1325401000000109 single room during inpatient care
  1108191000000103 wheelchair access
  1325301000000104 emotional support animal
  862731000000105 guide dog for the blind
  1325761000000101 of eating and drinking behaviour indicated
  1325741000000102 care indicated
  1325751000000104 therapy regime indicated
  1325771000000108 for risk of falls indicated
  1325781000000105 management indicated
  1325791000000107 behaviour management indicated
  1325801000000106 function test indicated
  1108111000000107 reasonable adjustment for health and care access (Equality Act 2010)

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code