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How to update your published code



Why should we care?
  • Hopefully, all of our published code will be updated someday
  • on that day you might need this guidance
Pre-requisite Importance Note
Publishing Code in the Open Necessary You need to have done this before, or at least understand the process
Intro to Git Necessary There will be some use of GitHub and GitLab so knowing about Git is needed

After you've published your code for the first time, you may go on to do subsequent additions, changes and updates to the codebase held in our internal "development" repositories. It will then be time to update the code that has been published.

NHS England colleagues

See our internal confluence pages on "Git, GitLab and GitHub" which explains our internal setup.

This is pretty straightforward and follows the same process as described in "Publishing Code in the Open", however hopefully the guidance here will help you save time.

xkcd comic update

How to do the update

If you're developing your code on a private repo (either GitLab or Github), it's a good idea to keep a branch on your "development" repo which is identical to your public "publish" repo. This means that you can easily see what changes there are between your published code and the "main" branch of your development repo.

This means that when you are ready to update your published code:

First, in your private repo:

  • do a pull-request (a.k.a. merge) from your main branch into your publish branch pull request button

  • if required by your manager, go through the "Publishing Code in the Open" process and checklist

    • focus on just the things in the `pull-request' that have changed files changed button
  • when you're happy with the changes and they have been "approved" in the pull-request you can move the code from publish branch to the public repo (see the existing guidance)

  • do a merge-request (a.k.a. merge) from your main branch into your publish branch

    pull request button

  • if required by your manager, go through the "Publishing Code in the Open" process and checklist

    • focus on just the things in the `merge-request' that have changed

      files changed button

  • when you're happy with the changes and they have been "approved" in the merge-request you can move the code from publish branch to the public repo (see the existing guidance)

It's good practice to make a new branch and do a pull-request in your public repo too, but you could also just make the changes directly to the main branch of the public repo.

Versioning and Changelogs

When you update your code, you've done the pull request, and it's all ready to be moved over to the public repo, it's a good time to tag the repo with a semantic version (in GitHub this can be done using the "release" functionality). You could also maintain a so users can easily see what has changed since your last version release.

If you do a release with a version in the private repo, make sure you also release with the same version tag on the public repo.

How often to update the published code?

Main Points

  • ultimately it's up to the person who "owns" the codebase and the needs of the stakeholders
  • small changes can probably be batched up and then the published code updated less frequently

Each codebase (for a publication, package or whatever) will be different and will need changing at different rates, decided by the needs of the stakeholders, available resources and the person in charge of that codebase.

For example, for an annual publication, if some changes are made, might not be necessary to update the existing published codebase immediately, especially if they're small, minor fixed. However, If it's an important, change such as a new feature (i.e. some new metric) then it would probably help any stakeholders to see that published as soon as possible.

Last update: September 20, 2024
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