It's taken a lot of work to make the NHS England RAP Community of Practice and further the cause of RAP within NHS England more generally.
Many people have pitched in, doing what they could, often going the extra mile and ultimately with the goal of helping our fellow analysts. The NHS England Data Science Skilled Team has been the core of this work, but in particular the Data Science RAP Squad lead the charge, piece by piece moving mountains and making a lasting difference.
Many thanks and congratulations to the following for their incredible hard work.
You guys really put the "champion" in RAP Champion!!!
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NHS England makes every effort to ensure that external links are accurate, up to date and relevant, however we cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.
NHS England is not affiliated with any of the websites or companies in the links to external websites.
If you come across any external links that do not work, we would be grateful if you could report them by raising an issue on our RAP Community of Practice GitHub.