Efficient Pyspark Case Study¶
- PandasUDF was fastest, though the non-JOIN options all did similarly well
- the JOIN BETWEEN took ~ 1000 times longer! (equi-JOIN was ten times faster than this)
- computing 30 columns didn't take much longer than 1 column for non-JOIN options
and play with the code straight away
There are a load of different ways we can do row-wise analyses in Pyspark - lets see how a number of common approach compare.
In this guide we will make 10,000,000 rows of fake data full of "ages", and then try following techniques on 1, 10 and 30 columns to see how long they take, and ultimately crown one, the champion.
Consider also checking out our recommended Pyspark Style Guide.
- pandas UDF - pandas.cut
- UDF - if then else
- equi-JOIN
Author: NHS Digital Data Science Squad
try: # this is wrapped in a try except so that if it fails
# (i.e. it's not run in colab, such as in databricks) this will catch it.
import google.colab
%pip install pyspark # in Colab we need to install pyspark
IN_COLAB = False
if IN_COLAB: # in colab we also need to make the Spark session
# (in Databricks this comes premade)
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = (SparkSession
.config('spark.ui.port', '4050')
Import Modules¶
We need to import all the functions etc. that we will use
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql.functions import (pandas_udf, PandasUDFType, lit,
col, when,array, split, explode,
isnull, udf)
Get Data¶
First we need 10,000,000 rows of data to test the functions on. You can find a function and code snippet to generate this below.
The reason why this is a quite complicated, is that to get the truest performance we need a table, on the disk (not some data held in memory), hence the code below has a lot of extra bits to make sure it writes to the disk. To allow us to write large tables, it does it in batches (this means we could make a table of any size and really heavily test these approaches.
import pandas as pd
def make_random_dataset(database='default', number_of_feature_cols = 30,
number_of_rows = 10000000, batch_size = 1000000,
column_name_root = 'AGE', table_name = 'random_dataset'):
"""Make a dataset (in a table) with random values between 0 and 120 with
the specified number_of_rows and feature columns and a patient_id field.
Returns a pyspark dataframe of the dataset (and there will also be a hard
table of the dataset made)
database : str
number_of_feature_cols : int
number_of_rows : int
batch_size : int
column_name_root : str
table_name : str
sdf_random_dataset : pyspark.DataFrame
>>> sdf_random_dataset = make_random_dataset()
>>> sdf_random_dataset.count()
# use a list comprehension to generate a list of "Age column" names
column_list = [f'{column_name_root}{x}'
for x in range(0,number_of_feature_cols)]
# we do it in batches to avoid using too much memory, so this works out
# the batch size
number_of_batches = int(number_of_rows / batch_size)
# use the Numpy randint function to generate an array full of
# random integers
npa_random = np.random.randint(0,120,size=(batch_size,
# make this into a pandas dataframe
df_random_dataset = (pd.DataFrame(npa_random, columns=column_list)
# finally make this into a spark dataframe
sdf_random_dataset = spark.createDataFrame(df_random_dataset)
# now for each batch write the data into a table we defined
for batch in range(0, number_of_batches-1):
if batch == 0:
mode="overwrite" # on the first loop we want it to overwrite
# what is there
mode="append" # subsequent loops we want it to add each batch
# the path line might need changing (or just removing) in databricks
.format("parquet") # this is just a table file format
# return the table as a dataframe so we can use it
return spark.table(f"{database}.{table_name}")
Drop the default.random_dataset
table if it already exists and then make the table and get the dataframe of this table (df_data
spark.sql("drop table if exists default.random_dataset");
database = 'default'
df_data = make_random_dataset(database=database, number_of_feature_cols = 30,
number_of_rows = 10000000,
batch_size = 1000000,
column_name_root = 'AGE', table_name = 'random_dataset',
age_cols = df_data.drop('patient_id').columns
Define the methods¶
CASE WHEN is perhaps the simplest approach, and most SQL practicioners will be familiar with this way of doing Agebands or other such tranformations. In this instance we actually use a blob of SQL to do the CASE WHEN statement! Here is some guidance on how to do this in both Spark SQL and Pyspark.
This should be pretty efficient, because pyspark can easily map this across the whole dataset. Conventionally, doing this for 30 columns in SQL would have a real pain, however we use python (sring formatting) to basically use this one set of SQL code for all 30 columns!
# SQL CASE WHEN is pretty basic -
# CASE WHEN <condition> THEN <result> WHEN <...> THEN <...> etc.
# ELSE <result if all else fails>
sql_ageband_casewhen_string = '''CASE WHEN {0} >= 0 and {0} <=18 THEN '0-18'
WHEN {0} >= 19 and {0} <=30 THEN '19-30'
WHEN {0} >= 31 and {0} <=39 THEN '31-39'
WHEN {0} >= 40 and {0} <=49 THEN '40-49'
WHEN {0} >= 50 and {0} <=59 THEN '50-59'
WHEN {0} >= 60 and {0} <=69 THEN '60-69'
WHEN {0} >= 70 and {0} <=79 THEN '70-79'
WHEN {0} >= 80 and {0} <=89 THEN '80-89'
WHEN {0} >= 90 and {0} <=150 THEN '90+' END as {0}_band'''
# At the end we want to run the above SQL script against all the age columns
# and against all values in those columns. We use a "selectExpr" that allow us
# submit SQL to the spark dataframe `df_data`
def selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen(df_data=df_data, age_cols=age_cols):
# first we need to get a copy of the casewhen statement for each age column
case_when_sql_for_each_column = [sql_ageband_casewhen_string.format(col)
for col in age_cols]
# then use selectExpr to apply it to the dataframe
return df_data.selectExpr("*", *case_when_sql_for_each_column)
# We also wanted to see if doing this using pure SQL had an effect
# so the below is the same as the above, but rather than using "selectExpr"
# it just makes a SQL query and executes that against the table (which
# df_data also points to.
def spark_sql_ageband_casewhen(df_data=df_data, age_cols=age_cols):
case_when_sql_for_each_column = [sql_ageband_casewhen_string.format(col)
for col in age_cols]
return spark.sql("SELECT "
+f" FROM default.random_dataset"
"User Defined Functions" (UDFs) are a way of taking a normal Python function, and mapping it across the rows in the Pyspark dataframe. This shouldn't be the fastest because the programme needs to convert the python code into the underlying language that spark uses.
In this instance, our Python code uses "if..else" logic, so not unlike CASE WHEN.
You can see guidance on UDFs here.
# made the python function for age band
# simply takes and integer and age and outputs
# the corresponding age band
def ageband_func(age: int) -> str:
if 0 <= age <= 18: return '0-18'
elif 19 <= age <= 30: return '19-30'
elif 31 <= age <= 39: return '31-39'
elif 40 <= age <= 49: return '40-49'
elif 50 <= age <= 59: return '50-59'
elif 60 <= age <= 69: return '60-69'
elif 70 <= age <= 79: return '70-79'
elif 80 <= age <= 89: return '80-89'
elif 90 <= age <= 150: return '90+'
elif age is None: return None
# we then need to convert into a UDF so pyspark can use it
ageband_udf = udf(ageband_func)
# now we will make a little wrapper function which will
# apply this UDF to all the ageband columns in df_data
def udf_ageband(df_data=df_data, age_cols=age_cols):
return df_data.select("*",
for col in age_cols]
Pandas UDF¶
The "Pandas User Defined Function" (PandasUDF) is somewhat like a UDF, except it uses Apache arrow to transfer data and Pandas to actually work with the data which allows vectorised operations, speeding things up. (Pandas uses Numpy, which is veeeery efficient).
In this instance, our PandasUDF is using the pandas.cut
function to split the data into buckets for each age.
This could be amongst the fastest approaches, but it also a bit fiddly to set up and understand (though not so bad once you understand it!)
You can see more guidance on using the new Spark 3.0 PandasUDFs here or an older blog on PandasUDFs here.
# the syntax of pandas UDF is a little more complicated than UDF
# first we need this decorator (@...) which tells spark
# what to expect from the function, in this case a string
# output and it takes scalar values
@pandas_udf('string', PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def ageband_cut(age_series : pd.Series(str)) -> pd.Series:
# internally it is very simple, just the pandas "cut" function
# which assigns pandas series elements to buckets (labels)
return pd.cut(age_series,[0, 19, 31, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 1000],
labels=['0-18','19-30', '31-39', '40-49', '50-59',
'60-69', '70-79', '80-89', '90+'],
retbins=False, right=False)
# as in the UDF, we now just need a little wrapper function
# to apply the pandas UDF to all of the age columns in df_data
def pandas_udf_cut_ageband(df_data=df_data, age_cols=age_cols):
return df_data.select("*",
for col in age_cols]
Making a table of ageband reference data and then JOINing this on perhaps the go-to way that data managers might approach this problem.
However, in Pyspark, JOINs are a "wide" operation, which are generally not as efficient as "long" operations (such as CASE WHEN / UDF / Pandas UDF).
First we need to make the agegroup_lookup
reference data table, which has an
, lower_age
and corresponding age_group
# first we make a agegroup lookup dataframe
agegroup_lookup = pd.DataFrame([
dict(lower_age = 0, upper_age=18, age_group='0-18'),
dict(lower_age = 19, upper_age=30, age_group='19-30'),
dict(lower_age = 31, upper_age=39, age_group='31-39'),
dict(lower_age = 40, upper_age=49, age_group='40-49'),
dict(lower_age = 50, upper_age=59, age_group='50-59'),
dict(lower_age = 60, upper_age=69, age_group='60-69'),
dict(lower_age = 70, upper_age=79, age_group='70-79'),
dict(lower_age = 80, upper_age=89, age_group='80-89'),
dict(lower_age = 90, upper_age=150, age_group='90+')
# then we make it a spark dataframe and save it to a table for
# good measure (this was incase we wanted to do SQL against it
sdf_agegroup_lookup = spark.createDataFrame(agegroup_lookup)
There are a few ways we can approach JOINs. The most obvious way is to simply use BETWEEN to check for each record, if the age is between the upper and lower ages described in the lookup and then return the agegroup.
This probably won't be very efficient, because "non-equi-JOINs" (i.e. JOINs without an "=" within the ON statement) do an implicit CROSS JOIN and so aren't very efficient.
def chain_join_between_ageband(df_data=df_data, age_cols=age_cols):
df_data_ageband_join = df_data
# this code (probably not an example of best practice!) loops
# over each of the columns and then JOINs on the lookup to
# work out the ageband
for col in age_cols:
df_data_ageband_join = (df_data_ageband_join
# this is the BETWEEN bit
(df_data[col] >= sdf_agegroup_lookup['lower_age'])
& (df_data[col] <= sdf_agegroup_lookup['upper_age']),
# we only care about the ageband, so drop the rest of the
# lookup columns
.drop('lower_age', 'upper_age')
return df_data_ageband_join
The less obvious way to do JOINs is to un-pivot the reference data, so that it is very long (i.e. age 11 means ageband 10-20), then we can join using an "=" in the ON statement (called an equi-JOIN). This should be a lot more efficient than the non-equi-JOIN.
# first we make a little function to work out the ages that compose each
# age band, as a list
ageband_ages_list = lambda x: list(range(x['lower_age'],x['upper_age']+1))
# now we apply this to the agegroup dataframe to make a new column
# containing a list of ages for each agegroup
agegroup_lookup['age'] = agegroup_lookup.apply(ageband_ages_list,axis=1)
# now we "explode" this age column, which means that a new row is made for
# each element in the lists in the age column - this makes the lookup longer
# as we end up with one row for each age, and the corresponding ageband
agegroup_lookup_explode = agegroup_lookup.set_index('age_group').explode('age')['age']
# make into a spark dataframe and a global temp view
sdf_agegroup_lookup_long = spark.createDataFrame(agegroup_lookup_explode.reset_index())
# we then apply it pretty much the same as the BETWEEN
def chain_join_long_ageband(df_data=df_data, age_cols=age_cols):
df_data_ageband_join = df_data
for col in age_cols:
# this code (probably not an example of best practice!) loops
# over each of the columns and then JOINs on the lookup to
# work out the ageband
df_data_ageband_join = (df_data_ageband_join
# this is the "equal" bit - no need for BETWEEN
# we only care about the ageband,
# so drop the age lookup column
return df_data_ageband_join
Timing functions¶
Now we have a bit of code to compare how quickly the different approaches ran.
The functions made above all output the original dataframe with these new ageband columns on the end, so when force them to output results, the spark will start flowing data and we can see how long it takes.
The functions below runs the different approaches (just doing a count on the dataframe) a specified number of times and takes the average of the time it took for each run.
def time_function(func, *args):
"""start timing, run the function, when its done,
stop the time and work out the difference
between start and end time"""
import time
t1 = time.time()
result = func(*args)
t2 = time.time()
total_time = t2-t1
return total_time, result
def avg_time_function(iters, func, *args):
"""Times it 'iters' times, and then
gets the average"""
total_time = 0
for _ in range(iters):
time, _ = time_function(func, *args)
total_time += time
return (total_time/iters)
def process_df(df):
"""This little function forces the spark
dataframe to run by doing 'count'"""
df_count = df.count()
return df, df_count
def print_avg(num_iterations, data_df=df_data, age_cols=age_cols):
num_rows = data_df.count()
# to cut down on code we made a dict of the common inputs
function_inputs = dict(df_data=data_df, age_cols=age_cols)
# a list of all of the approaches we want to try
methods_list = [selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen,
results = []
# loop over the approaches:
for func in methods_list:
# get the name of the function so we can add it to the plot
name = str(func.__name__)
# put the inputs (df_data, and a list of age columns) into
# the function for the approach
df = func(**function_inputs)
# now we "run" the dataframe (using "count") 5 times
# to get the average time of each approach
average_run_time = avg_time_function(num_iterations, process_df, df)
print("average run_time for {name} with {num_rows} rows is {average_run_time}"
# add the results dictionary for this run
# to the list of results
# convert results (a list of dictionaries) to a dataframe
# and we are left with a table of results!
return pd.DataFrame(results)
Run everything¶
Now we run the print_avg
function over the three sets of amounts of age columns, i.e. 1, 10 and 30, and we will get our results!
The code below is very compact, however it uses a list comprehension to and pd.concat to combine the results of the average run time, for each approach, for each amount of age columns into one table of results
df_results = pd.concat([print_avg(5, age_cols=age_cols[:num_cols])
for num_cols in [1,10,30]
average run_time for selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen with 9000000 rows is 0.3618640422821045 average run_time for spark_sql_ageband_casewhen with 9000000 rows is 0.36986422538757324 average run_time for udf_ageband with 9000000 rows is 0.27346434593200686 average run_time for pandas_udf_cut_ageband with 9000000 rows is 0.27601003646850586 average run_time for chain_join_long_ageband with 9000000 rows is 4.865589380264282 average run_time for chain_join_between_ageband with 9000000 rows is 1.3739787101745606 average run_time for selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen with 9000000 rows is 0.17872200012207032 average run_time for spark_sql_ageband_casewhen with 9000000 rows is 0.19225549697875977 average run_time for udf_ageband with 9000000 rows is 0.18843164443969726 average run_time for pandas_udf_cut_ageband with 9000000 rows is 0.1556694507598877 average run_time for chain_join_long_ageband with 9000000 rows is 9.888206958770752 average run_time for chain_join_between_ageband with 9000000 rows is 12.830813264846801 average run_time for selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen with 9000000 rows is 0.16099171638488768 average run_time for spark_sql_ageband_casewhen with 9000000 rows is 0.1732262134552002 average run_time for udf_ageband with 9000000 rows is 0.15817766189575194 average run_time for pandas_udf_cut_ageband with 9000000 rows is 0.1299384593963623 average run_time for chain_join_long_ageband with 9000000 rows is 27.161384487152098 average run_time for chain_join_between_ageband with 9000000 rows is 611.4546688079834
We averaged the timings over 5 runs, for 1, 10 and 30 age columns. Below we can see the results, either as a table or as a plot (note the log scale!).
name | num_cols | num_rows | average_run_time | |
0 | selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen | 1 | 9000000 | 0.361864 |
1 | spark_sql_ageband_casewhen | 1 | 9000000 | 0.369864 |
2 | udf_ageband | 1 | 9000000 | 0.273464 |
3 | pandas_udf_cut_ageband | 1 | 9000000 | 0.276010 |
4 | chain_join_long_ageband | 1 | 9000000 | 4.865589 |
5 | chain_join_between_ageband | 1 | 9000000 | 1.373979 |
0 | selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen | 10 | 9000000 | 0.178722 |
1 | spark_sql_ageband_casewhen | 10 | 9000000 | 0.192255 |
2 | udf_ageband | 10 | 9000000 | 0.188432 |
3 | pandas_udf_cut_ageband | 10 | 9000000 | 0.155669 |
4 | chain_join_long_ageband | 10 | 9000000 | 9.888207 |
5 | chain_join_between_ageband | 10 | 9000000 | 12.830813 |
0 | selectExpr_sql_ageband_casewhen | 30 | 9000000 | 0.160992 |
1 | spark_sql_ageband_casewhen | 30 | 9000000 | 0.173226 |
2 | udf_ageband | 30 | 9000000 | 0.158178 |
3 | pandas_udf_cut_ageband | 30 | 9000000 | 0.129938 |
4 | chain_join_long_ageband | 30 | 9000000 | 27.161384 |
5 | chain_join_between_ageband | 30 | 9000000 | 611.454669 |
The key findings:
- for the more efficient approaches, 1, 10 or 30 columns didn't make much difference
- For 30 columns, the equi-JOIN was 100 times slower than the fastest, whilst the non-equi-JOIN was a 1000 times slower!
- UDFs, PandasUDFs, SQL/pyspark all did similarly well, but PandasUDF was the fastest.
title='comparison of run-time of ageband methods against 10 million rows (less is good: faster)',
ylabel='Log(average time, secs)',
xlabel='Number of columns agebanded'
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