NHS 111
Domain Message Specification

Vocabulary Usage

Vocabulary: ActStatus

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146226GB02 Consent statusCode

Vocabulary: AmbulancePriorityType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
REPC_RM200001GB02 TriageOutcome value

Vocabulary: AmbulanceRequestTypeSnCT

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
REPC_RM200001GB02 AmbulanceRequest code

Vocabulary: AuthorFunctionType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
POCD_RM200001GB02 author functionCode
COCD_TP146246GB01 author functionCode
POCD_RM200001GB02 author functionCode
REPC_RM200001GB02 author functionCode

Vocabulary: CDADocumentTypeSnCT

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
POCD_RM200001GB02 ClinicalDocument code
POCD_RM200001GB02 ParentDocument code
POCD_RM200001GB02 ClinicalDocument code
POCD_RM200001GB02 ParentDocument code

Vocabulary: CDAObservationType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146050GB01 PermissionToView code

Vocabulary: CDAOrganizationProviderType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145201GB01 Organization standardIndustryClassCode

Vocabulary: CDAOrganizationType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145202GB02 Organization standardIndustryClassCode
COCD_TP145203GB03 Organization standardIndustryClassCode

Vocabulary: CDAPersonRelationshipType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145007UK03 RelatedEntity code

Vocabulary: DocumentConsentSnCT

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146226GB02 Consent code

Vocabulary: EncounterDispositionSnCT

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146232GB01 EncompassingEncounter dischargeDispositionCode
REPC_RM200001GB02 TriageDisposition value

Vocabulary: HumanLanguage

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145201GB01 LanguageCommunication languageCode

Vocabulary: IncidentalLocationTypeSnCT

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145222GB02 HealthCareFacility code

Vocabulary: JobRoleName

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145200GB01 AssignedAuthor code
COCD_TP145202GB02 IntendedRecipient recipientRoleCode
COCD_TP145208GB01 AssignedAuthor code
COCD_TP145210GB01 AssignedEntity code

Vocabulary: LanguageAbilityMode

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145201GB01 LanguageCommunication modeCode

Vocabulary: LanguageAbilityProficiency

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145201GB01 LanguageCommunication proficiencyLevelCode

Vocabulary: ManufacturerModelName

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145000GB01 Device manufacturerModelName
COCD_TP145207GB01 AuthoringDevice manufacturerModelName

Vocabulary: NHS111AdditionalNotesType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
REPC_RM200001GB02 AdditionalNotes code

Vocabulary: NHS111CDADocumentSectionType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146246GB01 Section2 code
COCD_TP146246GB01 Section3 code
COCD_TP146246GB01 Section1 code
COCD_TP146246GB01 Section4 code
COCD_TP146246GB01 Section5 code
COCD_TP146246GB01 Section6 code

Vocabulary: NHS111EncounterCode

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146232GB01 EncompassingEncounter code

Vocabulary: NHS111TriageDeviceType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145000GB01 ParticipantRole code

Vocabulary: ParticipationFunction

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
POCD_RM200001GB02 participant functionCode
COCD_TP146227GB02 performer functionCode
POCD_RM200001GB02 participant functionCode

Vocabulary: ParticipationType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
POCD_RM200001GB02 participant typeCode
POCD_RM200001GB02 participant typeCode

Vocabulary: PermissionToViewOutcome

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146050GB01 PermissionToView value

Vocabulary: RoleClassAssociative

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145214GB01 AssociatedEntity classCode

Vocabulary: RoleCode

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145214GB01 AssociatedEntity code

Vocabulary: Sex

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145201GB01 Patient administrativeGenderCode

Vocabulary: SnomedCT

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146227GB02 ServiceEvent code

Vocabulary: SoftwareName

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145000GB01 Device softwareName
COCD_TP145207GB01 AuthoringDevice softwareName

Vocabulary: SystemFlagType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
REPC_RM200001GB02 TraumaFlag code
REPC_RM200001GB02 FireFlag code
REPC_RM200001GB02 SceneSafeFlag code
REPC_RM200001GB02 PoliceFlag code
REPC_RM200001GB02 TrappedFlag code

Vocabulary: TriageDispositionType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
REPC_RM200001GB02 TriageDisposition code

Vocabulary: TriageOutcomeType

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
REPC_RM200001GB02 TriageOutcome code

Vocabulary: WorkgroupRoleName

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP145204GB03 RecipientWorkgroup recipientRoleCode
COCD_TP145212GB02 Workgroup code

Vocabulary: x_BasicConfidentialityKind

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
POCD_RM200001GB02 ClinicalDocument confidentialityCode
POCD_RM200001GB02 ClinicalDocument confidentialityCode

Vocabulary: x_EncounterParticipant

Used in the following models:

Model Class Attribute
COCD_TP146232GB01 encounterParticipant typeCode