Perform static analysis

2024-05-28 | 📑 741 words | ⏱ 8 mins | đŸ§Ÿ History | ✍ Ross Buggins | 🔑 Ross Buggins

Perform static analysis

Known Issues / Todo

  • ⛅ This page is draft and is subject to rapid change, and may not be fully accurate or complete

Guide: Perform static analysis


Static code analysis is an essential part of modern software development. It provides automatic checks on your codebase to identify potential bugs, code smells, security vulnerabilities, and maintainability issues.

SonarCloud, an online service for continuous code quality inspection and static analysis, can be easily integrated with a GitHub repository. This repository template includes all the necessary setup for minimal configuration on your part, facilitating smooth integration with this SaaS offering.

Key files


Contact the GitHub Admins via their mailbox to have your SonarCloud access set up.


You can run and test static analysis locally on a developer’s workstation using the following command

export SONAR_ORGANISATION_KEY=nhs-england-tools # Replace with your organisation key
export SONAR_PROJECT_KEY=repository-template # Replace with your project key
export SONAR_TOKEN=[replace-with-your-sonar-token]

Configuration checklist

This section is to be used by the GitHub Admins.

The list demonstrates the manual way of configuring a project, however our aim is to automate all the activities below.

  • Create a Sonar project within the organisation space:
    • Navigate to + > Analyze new project > create a project manually
    • Choose the appropriate organisation
    • Set “Display name”
    • Set “Project key” (it should be populated automatically)
    • Set project visibility to “Public”
    • After clicking the ‘Next’ button, set “The new code for this project will be based on” to “Previous version”
    • Click “Create project”
  • Add two new groups under Administration > Groups:
    • [Programme Name], all members of the project
    • [Programme Name] Admins, who will the project’s quality gates and quality profiles
  • Assign members to the above groups accordingly
  • Set group permissions under Administration > Permissions:
    • For the [Programme Name] Admins group, assign:
      • “Quality Gates”
      • “Quality Profiles”
  • Manage project permissions, navigate to Administration > Projects Management and select the project you created
    • Click on Edit Permissions
    • Search for [Programme Name] Admins group and assign the following:
      • “Administer Issues”
      • “Administer Security Hotspots”
      • “Administer”
      • Ensure that other groups do not have unnecessary permissions to administer this project
  • Navigate to project Administration > Analysis Method > Manually and select Other (for JS, TS, Go, Python, PHP, ...)
  • In the file in your repository, set the following properties according to the information provided above
    • Set sonar.[language].[coverage-tool].reportPaths to ensure the unit test coverage is reported back to Sonar
    • Do not set the sonar.organization and sonar.projectKey properties in this file; do the next step instead
  • Use the Sonar token owned by the “SonarCloud Token GitHub Admins” service user. There is an existing token named “Scan all”

For an advance configuration create a bot account for your service. For more details, please see this note. This account should be given access to your project and must own the SONAR_TOKEN for security reasons.

  • Follow the documentation on creating encrypted secrets to add the SONAR_TOKEN secret to your repository. The GitHub action is already configured to fetch that secret and pass it as a variable. In addition to that:
    • Add SONAR_ORGANISATION_KEY variable (not a secret)
    • Add SONAR_PROJECT_KEY variable (not a secret)
  • Navigate to project Administration > Analysis Method and turn off the Automatic Analysis option
  • Please refrain from adding your repository to the GitHub SonarCloud App, as this app should not be used. Doing so will duplicate reports and initiate them outside the primary pipeline workflow
  • Confirm that the “Perform static analysis” GitHub action is part of your GitHub CI/CD workflow and enforces the “Sonar Way” quality gates. You can find more information about this in the NHSE Software Engineering Quality Framework