2024-01-01 | 📑 145 words | ⏱ 2 mins | 🧾 History | ✍ NHS Notify | 🔑 NHS Notify

🚧 This page has less that 200 words. So it looks like this page is still under construction.

Known Issues / Todo

  • â›… This page is draft and is subject to rapid change, and may not be fully accurate or complete

Be aware of NHS organizational standards: NHS Architecture Principles | Software Engineering Quality Framework | Records Management Code of Practise

General principles for diagrams

  • Pages are structured using the 4+1 View of Architecture and flow from high level to broken down functionality.
  • Final “view” documentation is meant to represent the “current” view of the system, not work in progress
  • Diagram checklist to help with consistency:
    1. Diagrams flow from left to right, then top to bottom to allow readability
    2. 0.5 line and shape width
    3. lines are recommended to have text (and preferably numbered)
    4. provide context on which part of the system the diagram relates to

img.png Architectural Blueprints—The “4+1” View Model of Software Architecture

Table of contents