2024-01-01 | ๐Ÿ“‘ 202 words | โฑ 3 mins | ๐Ÿงพ History | โœ NHS Notify | ๐Ÿ”‘ NHS Notify

Known Issues / Todo

  • โ›… This page is draft and is subject to rapid change, and may not be fully accurate or complete

Initial account structure for new architecture

  • The initial accounts have been created reflect the structure we intend to use for the new Web UI
    • A top-level DNS sub-domain provides the mapping from the nhsnotify DNS root to delegated DNS zones in each sub-domain account
    • The Event Bus account provides a central location for events to be published without the consuming services needing direct knowledge of the source
    • The Web Platform account provides the endpoint for the Web UI and documentation. It delegates requests to the other micro-frontend ( MFE) services
  • Each MFE (micro-frontend) is implemented in its own sub-domain. Initially these will be:
    • CMS: Service documentation. This may be hosted on GitHub pages in which case it may not have its own domain accounts
    • Auth: Federated login identity provider which will provide tokens for use across the other MFE services
    • Template Manager: MVP template manager web UI
  • The existing system, while it consists of several conceptual domains, is currently deployed to a single account
    • As we refine the architecture we will extract sub-domains from the core system and create new accounts to encapsulate them.

NHS Notify Domains